2021 The Year of New Beginnings!

Finally, we can put a fork in 2020 and turn toward 2021!
I, for one, will not look back upon the year all that fondly, except for releasing three great books, and maybe one or two other things.
It’s been the fastest slow-moving year, I think I’ve ever experienced. Do you know what I mean? That weird time-space continuum, where it feels like everything is moving at a glacial pace, and seems we will never arrive, then you blink and it’s December and you’re left scratching something thinking where did the time go!
However, some cool things have happened. We just experienced a rather incredible celestial event, on December 21st, that merges with the Heaven & Earth series. Jupiter and Saturn aligned in what’s called a Great Conjunction. The two largest planets of the solar system merged together appearing as if one great star. They’re calling it the Christmas Star! Why is it interesting to you and me? Well, it hasn’t happened, this close, in 400 years, and 800 years if you place it in the evening hours when you can actually see it! Here in Washington state, we had a pretty heavy cloud bank and couldn’t see a thing, but it looks like some people were able to catch a glimpse of the historic and glorious sight.
Now, why is it important to the series? Well, there’s a fictional anomaly that’s going to happen called the Immaculate Conjunction. It’s where all the celestial bodies of the Greek gods align. When that happens, unless the quest is completed, the final plagues will be released upon the earth, and Cronus will rule once more. Some would say, part of the plagues have been unleashed already and we have had the year to prove it. However, I believe the human spirit is a pretty mighty thing and like the characters of the series, we won’t go down without an incredible fight.
One thing 2020 did show me is that I have work to do. Writing, my businesses, my personal relationships, and the future, all need some work and organization. If you’re like me you’re a proponent of the whole New Years Resolutions idea. Although I do try to qualify them more aptly as goals.
For instance, this year my professional goals are to turn all my books into audiobooks. The first will be, the Warrior’s Progeny, narrated by Kat Bohn and hopefully coming to you in February. Incidentally, I just found out Warrior’s is also on the long list for the Chanticleer International Book Awards, so stay tuned to see what happens there!
The Sea Archer, Dee’s Cornucopia, and Releasing the Catch, will all follow. I hope to publish two new books, Dee’s Cornucopiaand book three of the Heaven & Earth series. I also hope to publish a companion book, as a giveaway to the series, in January or February latest. AND I hope to get organized and set up routines and deadlines for moving forward.
I’m also starting a podcast in 2021, and just recorded some content for it. I want to use it to record behind the scenes, bring my TattleTales authors to you, and hopefully talk about some of the other things I’m going to start, that are listed below. I will also be delving into video more, as well as fine-tune and perfect my platforms, starting with my website.
An ambitious schedule no doubt, but one I hope to look back upon at the end of 2021 and say, “Damn, I’m good!”
Personally, I hope to reestablish connections with friends and family, get to know our marina community better, travel, and find balance within myself.
This last part sounds super easy but in fifty-two years I’ve never been able to achieve some of them completely or at least to my satisfaction. There are some items I’d like to fix and conquer once and for all, OR make my peace with them and move on. Do you all have things like that?
The first is my weight. I’ve had my ups and downs with most of my adult life, starting with my first pregnancy. Waking up as uncomfortable and sore as I do most days, at this age, isn’t okay.
Second, my sleep pattern, which is about four to five hours per night (yikes, I know), and it needs to be fixed. I’m naturally a night owl but sleep has been eluding me so much that lately, I find it really affecting my concentration, frustration levels, and well-being.
Last but not least, to find a balance between work, my friends and family, and myself. I have, especially in this year of Covid, become an extreme introvert, where before I was an introvert but managed to connect with souls from time to time. Frustrated with circumstances and situations, I realize we have all become somewhat closed off from the world, but only some of us gain power and ease with doing so. I’m one of those people. Not the best at making room for everything, I’m giving myself a year to figure it out.
As I started looking at what this would entail for me, I thought about how there might be some folks out there that feel the same way. Maybe there’s a way to help each other. If you are interested in achieving some goals in a very healthy and motivating way, I’d love to have you join me. This will not be a take my pill or drink my concoction. If you are someone that sells products or diets and sees blood in the water, please think again. If you fall off the wagon, I want it to be a place where you’re inspired to get right back on! I don’t care about your gender, the amount you need to lose, or what the goal is. We’re going to create goals and measure them. If you’re interested please email me at gingerwingz@gmail.com.
I’m really excited about this next year, and sincerely hope you are too! So, as this new year finds you and you begin to set up some of your own goals, I wish you every support and encouragement. I hope this year brings you all the happiness, fun, friends, family, and well-being that you can possibly contain within yourself!
Keep an eye out for the completion of the tasks above to keep me honest 😉
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About Jeny
Jeny Heckman is the award-winning Paranormal and Fantasy Romance author of the Heaven & Earth series. Since her series debut in 2018, Jeny has captured the imagination and inspired the journey of readers worldwide.
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