Excerpt #1
“My God, it’s hotter than a billy goat’s ass in a pepper patch out there,” Dee announced as she entered the office furnished with the rich fragrance of leather, old wood, coffee, and tobacco smoke.
Her boss, Bert Norton, sat hunched at his desk, puffing on his ancient pipe. His gaze snapped to hers, and he gave the merest hint of a smile before frowning at her crass expression. The two fellows, also occupying the room, stood a little straighter at her appearance, but gave each other surreptitious glares. They wore identical uniforms of scarred leather boots, dusty work trousers and damp cotton shirts, right down to the sweat-stained field-hand hats squeezed together in their enormous fists.
“Ah, sorry?” Dee phrased it almost like a question and raised her eyebrows at all the testosterone in the small space.
“Deidre, please, take a seat.” Bert gestured to one of the broad wing-back chairs occupying the area in front of his desk.
The two imposing men shifted their weight from foot to foot in apparent agitation. If I sit in that chair, I’ll look weak. Possessing a vagina created enough of a disadvantage chasm already.
“Thanks, Mr. Norton, I’ll stand. No sense in giving anyone the upper hand, right?” she quipped and slapped her hands on her hips, shifting her own weight from side to side. The corner of her boss’s lips twitched, but he sighed, and they both looked over at the two workers.
Excerpt #2
Furious, Demeter waved a hand to soften the noise of the door before it reached anyone’s ears and settled the house with her other hand. She gazed up at the bright light in the sky.
“You must deal with this blight, niece,” Themis’ voice echoed in her mind. “The last drop of blood is nigh upon us. This will be our last chance.”
Demeter’s face fell at the all-knowing Oracle. “She has been a loyal and faithful servant, perhaps…”
“Demeter, we have all risked and many more sacrifices are yet to come. Catherine is not Persephone. We must allow the mortals to gain their strength for no one is yet in place beside Deidre and even she will not be ready until her hair turns white and her skin wrinkles. Many years in their time. Time for us to prepared, for my father seeks revenge.”
Demeter understood what was not said. If they didn’t win this time, no hope remained.
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About Jeny
Jeny Heckman is the award-winning Paranormal and Fantasy Romance author of the Heaven & Earth series. Since her series debut in 2018, Jeny has captured the imagination and inspired the journey of readers worldwide.
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