Changes Are Good, No Really…

It's been a great summer and now as I move into fall and can reflect on what's just passed over the last four months, I have to say I'm a little exhausted!
From my son’s graduation, getting the photography end up and running (amazingly I might add) with two weddings, numerous senior photo, and family sessions, as well as taking on an entire sorority, to taking the next steps with my book, saying goodbye and dropping both my babies off at college, launching into boot camp (in a very rude way…thank you Sarah) and now looking at the millions of things I said I would do once they left, well, I’ve decided to go get a large glass of wine…
Okay, now that is better! It really has been strange, the adjustment after the kids left but I have to admit, in one aspect, a really good way. I have missed their presence, stories, laughter, and them driving me crazy but I have one of those fabulous husbands that likes to fix things (me in particular) and he has helped me tremendously on this pursuit to the new normal. My kids have been pretty good at letting me know what they’ve been up to as well and that makes things 100 times easier!
Two things, in particular, are on my mind as I write this, first, finding and living out my dreams, and second, making sure they are solely of my doing. The benefits, of course, are for my hubby and kids too but creating something all mine, by myself and for myself is very seductive, challenging, and exciting.
I have spent almost two years (in December), since I finished my novel, trying to get it seen and published and thinking that it would be a pretty quick process. Either they like it or they don’t. I’ve worked with a terrific guy named Jeff Eadie, doing the read-through, basic editing, and creating a plan, we are coming to the tail end of that now. He told me a long time ago that the book industry moves at a glacial pace and I thought I understood that but now nearly two years later, I thought we’d have a firmer understanding of where things were at. That being said, I started to realize why it all moves so slowly. I began writing “The Catch,” in 2008 when my father-in-law passed away from cancer, I finished the book in December of 2012. Why did it take so long? Was it writers’ block? Did I write it out in Latin first? No. Life happened. I would go weeks, months, and yes even years at a time, living my life and doing the activities I wanted with my kids. So, why has it taken two years since then, again life but I do really feel as though now my life becomes my own in a way it wasn’t before, so I’m excited to see what can be done. The same with photography. I realize that I’ve picked two of the hardest and most saturated businesses possible to turn passions into what I could possibly earn a little income from but hey, that’s always been the way I roll.
This means I decided that I don’t have to choose between writing and photography, so started my own business. Jeny Heckman Photography is officially up and running and waiting to capture some beautiful moments and images of you and/or your family, senior, event or wedding, should you want them. But I’ve also begun two more books and the stories progress and the momentum flow has been fun again.
Connecting with family and friends in an entirely different way, that doesn’t revolve around our children has also been interesting, reconnecting with my hubby has been absolutely perfect. No, I mean it I like him again 🙂
Change can be a beautiful thing! Carpe Diem!
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About Jeny
Jeny Heckman is the award-winning Paranormal and Fantasy Romance author of the Heaven & Earth series. Since her series debut in 2018, Jeny has captured the imagination and inspired the journey of readers worldwide.
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