It’s taken a very long time to get here, but here it is! I can’t tell you how excited I am to share this story with you!
The Warrior’s Progeny’s evolution began right after I wrote the Sea Archer, in that I wrote the outline! The Sea Archer (book 1) launched in October of 2018. By April, it won the Chanticleer International Book Awards, and I still hadn’t moved beyond the outline and fleshing out of characters for Warrior’s. So, I dug in and worked hard and by October of 2019, I felt the manuscript was strong enough to submit to my publisher. They picked it up and the revisions began.
In January of 2020, Stephen King, one of The Wild Rose Press (TWRP) authors sent out an email out to our writing loop. He’s Australian and at the time they were on fire, literally. Stephen asked if any of us would be interested in writing a short story to help benefit the victims and I wrote Dancing Through Tears, for the anthology, Australia Burns, Volume 2.
Everything was put on hold and TWRP donated their time, editors, formatters, and cover designers to crank out three volumes of the anthology, which was almost superhuman to collect all those stories, edit them, format, and design them for distribution in a month.
Afterward, my beautiful editor, Dianne, and I started working hard to perfect, the Warrior’s Progeny. Of course, you all know what happened next… COVID-19. So, many people were now at home and everything with writing went into hyperdrive. Well, two things occurred, the publishing train slowed down because they too were reeling from the effects of the pandemic in New York, but also getting inundated with new novels. I feel like the result of this will be a year or two of amazing stories!
I received the cover art and release date and from that moment on, we’ve been waiting for it to come. In the meantime, I’ve been writing a side novella, based on a beloved character from, the Sea Archer, who also returns in Warrior’s, Dee Taylor. I’m hoping her book will be ready for you by Christmas time.
However, right now it’s all about Warrior’s. Dianne, my editor, Christina, my assistant, Debbie the cover artist, the beta readers, the Wild Rose Press, and my family have my eternal gratitude for helping me bring it to you. I’m hoping next year to turn all the books into audio as well.
I’d like to thank you all for being so patient and I sincerely hope you love The Warrior’s Progeny. Reviews are the bread and butter for an author, so I would love it if you would publish a review when you’re done either on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BookBub, or GoodReads.
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About Jeny
Jeny Heckman is the award-winning Paranormal and Fantasy Romance author of the Heaven & Earth series. Since her series debut in 2018, Jeny has captured the imagination and inspired the journey of readers worldwide.
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