Urban Fantasy Paranormal Romance Author
L.A. MgGinnis
All About L.A. McGinnis:
Perched on the edge of a national park, L.A. McGinnis spends her days writing sexy urban fantasies filled with brooding heroes and smart, bold heroines. A life-long fascination with Norse mythology and traveling to different countries inspires her to weave these contemporary tales of legendary fated mates set in gritty, urban settings like New York, Chicago, and London
Queen of Swords
Release Date:
February 19, 2019
Fools Journey Press
Cover Design:
Janus Designs
Give Us The Scoop
Welcome to my tattletales. I had so much fun recording our interview for the podcast and our youtube channel. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. For this part of the author spotlight, you choose to do a character interview with your main character from the Queen of Swords, Morgan Elaine Burke?
Yes, that is right. My character’s name is Morgan Elain Burke, the female heroine of the Queen of Swords.
How would people physically describe you?
Athletic and determined.
What’s your backstory? Where did you come from?
I was born in Pittsburgh, and I have one sister, Ava.
What do you think of L.A. McGinnis? Did he/she portray you accurately?
She could have left the embarrassing sex scene out between me and Loki, but whatever, I’m over it.
What is the most inspirational thing you’ve ever done in your life?
Revenge my family by killing demons on the streets of Chicago. Before that everything was pretty normal.
If you could map out the next five years of your life, what would that look like?
I’d kind of like for the world not to end, even though that’s the way we’re heading. Maybe once we defeat this evil god trying to destroy Earth, I’ll actually be able to think ahead. After that, who knows? I’ve always wanted to go to Walt Disney World. But Loki would probably hate it.
What actors would you like in the main roles if your book were made into a movie?
I could totally see David Gandy as Loki, and as for me…Maybe Margot Robbie—I loved her in Suicide Squad.
What do you do for fun?
Kill demons and keep the world safe.
Life advice for the masses?
Don’t do what I do, pick a better career.
Everyone is made up of both good and bad elements. What are your best qualities and what are your worst qualities?
I’m stubborn to a fault. I know this because my sister always told me. And I can’t let anything go. But on the upside, I’m willing to take chances and learn new things. Demon killing didn’t come naturally, you know.
When did you start believing in the supernatural?
Probably the moment a demon lunged out of the dark and snatched my mother. And, of course, when I met the immortal gods. Oh, and when I ended up down in the Underworld as Hel’s prisoner. You could say that was a pivotal moment
Queen of Swords
Blurb & Excerpt
Returning to Chicago to avenge her family, Morgane Burke spends her nights on the streets, battling demons no one else can see. Her tally might be growing, but so is theirs, as human disappearances mount by the day. Her one-woman war on evil takes a turn the night she discovers she’s not the only one fighting the monsters.
Banished to Earth, the immortal gods are tasked to protect the human race, and Loki is on the hunt for the demon slayer who’s infiltrated their territory. When he discovers the half dead mortal female, the God of Fire realizes he’s finally found her.
As evil of another sort rises, Morgane forges an alliance with the gods to survive. But even Loki cannot protect her when the Goddess of Death comes to claim her soul. Together, they discover love is more powerful than betrayal.
Escape into this sexy fantasy, where two ancient races collide and the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
Excerpt 1
Hunger drove every other thought right out of Loki’s mind.
Human or not, Morgane was different than any woman he’d ever encountered, there was no denying it.
He’d smelled her the moment he’d pulled up in front of this dump. Morgane had smelled of pure adrenaline as she’d battled the demons, but right now, the scent wafting off of her now was desire mixed with need. Two things he was totally on board with.
Standing here, her fingers feather-light on his lips, her body a series of soft mounds and hard ripples marked by the beasts they waged war against? Loki was as ready for her as he’d ever been for anybody. Besides, when he saw she’d slept curled up with his shirt? Something locked into place within him.
Her body pressed into his, Morgane hesitated. “Loki, if you think there’s some kind of happily ever after for people like us, I’m afraid that’s not in the cards.”
Excerpt 2
By the time Morgane jogged into Odin’s throne room, she figured she was about three hours late. “Sorry, sorry.” She waved her hands around like a lunatic, knowing the immortal god would be beyond pissed off at her tardiness. “Better late than never, right? But I’m finally ready to rock and roll.” The words were barely out of her mouth when the room whirled around her, and the drawling, bored voice of Odin floated from somewhere far away.
“About time, you’d think I’m running a country club around here. Have a nice trip. And remember who you’re bringing home. If you can’t find my son in the Underworld, don’t bother coming back.”
The spinning sensation didn’t stop until she hit something hard, and a cold, wet surface punched her in the face like a boxer with a grudge. Water dripped from her hair as she sat up in complete darkness, pushing tangled strands away from her face. Black silence surrounded her, the sort of darkness that sucks every thought straight out of you.
Like why she had agreed to come here in the first place.
And how she was totally ready to take on Hel.
No, this was the kind of blackness that absorbed you until you disappeared. Tucking her knees into her chest, Morgane felt the warmth of each breath dissipate into the echoing emptiness around her. If it wasn’t for the cold, hard floor underneath her, she would have thought she was floating. But she was somewhere. And she was sitting in water. And her butt was freezing.
Squeezing her eyes tight, Morgane pushed to her feet.
The sound of rushing water drew her to the right. As the roar grew louder, she kept walking until droplets coated her face, and continued along a well-worn path. By the time she reached the gold bridge spanning the river, things were quite…damp. Odin had told her exactly what to do to make it across alive. Once she managed that, she knew exactly how far to reach Hel’s gates.
But after that? It was anyone’s guess.
Total crapshoot. Which was why she’d wing it.