Memorial Day…To Bea, from Your Faithful Husband, Norman…

December 1, 1944
Hi Bea Darling
How are you and Andy tonight? I’m fine here. We sure had a swell day again today. But gee time sure drags. What are you doing today? I bet you went to the show this afternoon. Did you see a good show?
I sure would liked to have been there with you. I’ll bet we could have had a good time. We could make love from Saturday until tomorrow. We could get caught up, couldn’t we honey? Yes, darling I sure do miss you and Andy terribly much. It seems like if I could only see you even if for a few minutes it would help a lot. Sometimes I get so lonesome and blue. When I get your letter and read it and see that you still love me then I know you are waiting and miss me too, so it helps a lot. Gee, I wonder if this war will ever get over so I can come home again. There doesn’t seem to be any end in sight at all. It seems like it will go on and on. If I was there darling I would hold you in my arms and kiss you so much. I guess this is what we get for being so in love with each other.
How is Andy? So when you get after him he thinks that I will help him? Well, you tell him I won’t interfere when he needs a good spanking or scolding. Tell him if he’s a good boy he won’t need spankings. But also tell him that I love him very much.
I had to quit to go to muster. There is a destroyer across from us. I guess it’s about ready to leave. They just put a bunch of seabags on board and it got a full head of steam. I’ll bet those men see a lot before they come back. Well, the weekend is almost over again. It sure lasted a long time to me though. Are you to the show then or did you go this afternoon? Gee honey I’d sure like to be home with you. It would be so very happy again.
Tomorrow is payday, I got $40 coming. Well, darlings I think I’ll close for tonight. I love you with all my heart honey and I sure do miss you. I need you so much. Please be good and I’ll do the same. I’ll walk alone until you’re by my side.
Your faithful husband,
This is one of my Grandfather’s love letters to my Grandmother while he was away at war. Andy is their son and my dad. My Grandfather came from a family of eighteen children. Below are the family members that served in WWll:
Leo Rudy (82nd Airborne)
Bud Rudy (Navy)
Gene McCann (Coast Guard)
James Rudy (Army)
Norman Rudy (Navy)
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Jeny Heckman is the award-winning Paranormal and Fantasy Romance author of the Heaven & Earth series. Since her series debut in 2018, Jeny has captured the imagination and inspired the journey of readers worldwide.
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