Jeny's TattleTales
Dogs or Cats? Haha neither. I love horses though.
Number of books you’ve written? I am currently working on my second book.
Name three things you see when you look right.
1. My journal
2. My bookshelves
3. A can of coke haha
What’s the best swag item you’ve ever seen? Practically everything sold at the Harry Potter shop at Kings Cross, London.
Who do you think is the most irritating celebrity? I would say Kourtney Kardashian but mainly just because I sometimes get annoyed by her. Sometimes.
What is your most attractive feature? I’m told my smile but I don’t know?
Cook, baker, or next question? Haha, next question.
Place you’d like to visit: Greece
If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play you? Emma Roberts or Lucy Hale.
What song best sums you up? I tried to think of one but I couldn’t
Describe yourself in three words:
1. Optimistic
2. Kind
3. Annoying
If we were here when the earth began would you be a hunter or a gatherer? Gatherer because I would not be able to hurt animals haha.
Coffee or tea? Coffee
Spring, Summer, Fall Winter? Winter
Mac or PC? PC
What is your favorite thing to learn about in your free time? Space
You have a time travel machine. Where and when? London, Victorian era.
Are you earth, wind, fire or water? Water