
So, podcasts intrigue me.
I have never done one and only listened to my first one a week or so ago when my daughter played it for me. I heard about them all over the RWA conference this year too. Frankly, up until now, I didn’t really get it. But then again I didn’t really get Twitter either. However, I think I finally understand. If you have something interesting to impart to the masses it can be a very cool thing.
Update 04/27/2021
I wrote the previous paragraph a little over a year ago. Today, I have my own podcasts and we are over 20 episodes in. I try to publish an episode a week, except when I am travelling or have other events happening and my guest list booked all the way until August. It took me a while to get on board with this, but I decided that no matter what 2021 is going to be the year of many firsts!!! You can hear about many of those firsts on my podcast, available anywhere you are listening. Just look for Jeny’s Tattetales by Jeny Heckman.

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About Jeny
Jeny Heckman is the award-winning Paranormal and Fantasy Romance author of the Heaven & Earth series. Since her series debut in 2018, Jeny has captured the imagination and inspired the journey of readers worldwide.
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