The Prophecy

An old, most powerful foe will find a way, to escape the bonds of yesterday.
And with him will turn one once trusted, that gods persecuted, belittled, and neglected.
Mighty Gods shackled and toil over to be heard, From Tartarus’ grip, deep in the abyss of the Underworld.
There they will remain for as long as time rules until the last bead of their blood is collected and cooled.
The outcome they fear, fate could yet reject, if the children of tomorrow’s lives intersect.
And in their quest, three discoveries must be found, or the deities will face the Moirai and be cut to the underground.
First, god and mortal alike, a weakness to conquer, and only from there the key may the children conjure.
Second, something Gods have naught to know, selflessness, devotion, and love-eternal the hardest to sow.
The final discovery for this quest to take place is when all children are in the same time and same space.
Five arrows to join around heart’s blood of great hope, it will lay, perhaps, even more, only I, Themis, can command, at the end of the last day.
Many eras have tried to face success and prevail, only to miss connections, and fail.
Brothers may harness drops of their power to advise in this cause because it is written in Themis’s divine law.
For only then will the threat be defeated, and to the Isle of the Blest, the remaining gods be seated.
And though their time of rule may end, full assimilation of immortal blood, this Oracle will send.
For even if one pure drop remains, ascending the steps, Olympians may again reign.
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About Jeny
Jeny Heckman is the award-winning Paranormal and Fantasy Romance author of the Heaven & Earth series. Since her series debut in 2018, Jeny has captured the imagination and inspired the journey of readers worldwide.
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