Jeny's TattleTales
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
The number of books you’ve written? 1.5
Name three things you see when you look right:
1. My phone
2. My dog
3. A 3 day old cup of coffee (empty)
What’s the best swag item you’ve ever seen?I’ll let you know when I get one
Who do you think is the most irritating celebrity? I thought about this one for like 5 minutes but couldn’t think of anyone
What is your most attractive feature? My lips
Cook, baker or next question? Both
Place you’d like to visit: Japan
If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play you? Cierra Ramirez
What song best sums you up? Pillowcase by Gabbie Hanna
Describe yourself in three words:
1. Sarcastic
2. Extrovert
3. Wild
If we were here when the earth began would you be a hunter or a gatherer? Hunter
Coffee or tea? Coffee
Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter? Fall
Mac or PC? Mac
What is your favorite thing to learn about in your free time? Japanese
You have a time travel machine. Where and when? Senior prom. 2012.
Are you earth, wind, fire, or water? Fire