
New Year's is always about starting over, isn't it?
Reflecting on the past but envisioning the future. It usually lasts a week, along with the resolutions, and then the reality of life settles in, along with the routine?
This past year has definitely been one to reflect on. The events that happened in October were an eye opener in our family. No one tells you the vibrations and after effects of something like that. You see an event on the news and can empathize or possibly think about what you might do, but then the next news story comes along and you move on. It’s normal and natural.
I can tell you the results of such an event are both wonderfully heartening and extremely challenging. Watching your children be affected by the smallest sounds and sights, struggling to cope and get well, then watching their achievements as the conquer some of the demons.
We’ve always been a close family and I do feel we have some more challenges to come but we are doing pretty damn good together and with our wonderful family and friends.
I’ve thought A LOT about the mothers and fathers, spouses, family and friends of those that tried to get through Christmas without their loved ones this last year. Not only with the Vegas events but all the other stories and experiences of loss, and my heart hurts so incredibly deeply for them. And I do mean each and every one of them.
My heart also hurts for each person that experienced the horrific events of last year and pray for their recovery, wellness, and peace very, very soon.
Those are my reflections of the past.
Moving forward, I’m trying to live a better life. I’m trying to be less judgmental and negative. I’m trying to find joy in every small thing I can. I’m really looking forward to the next year, being the year of the greatest change within myself.
My friend, Debbie, gave me a journal, the Daily Greatness Journal, and my goal is to utilize it. Not to give it some half-assed attempt but really go all in for some changes.
Yesterday, as I said goodbye to 2017 and embraced 2018, I do it with more optimism than I have in the past. I look forward to the challenges (hopefully minor and few) but also am incredibly excited about the positive changes.
This year Paisley will complete her Masters, Charlie will complete his BA, and my two children will graduate from college in the same ceremony, and finally embark on their new lives.
Jeff will be embarking on launching a new product for work, expanding the business and creating new possibilities.
I hope to publish my book, The Sea Archer, through a publisher. I will also turn 50 (OMG) and try to embrace all that entails! And begin working with a new charity.
And I plan to find the best me there is.
Finally, with so much uncertainty in the world, I am going to make a concerted effort to find the good. As someone who’s gone through a news story, I feel like the focus is usually so negative. They do a small montage of the heroics but the lasting stories focus on the evil. It was a strong takeaway but it’s simply not true. The story wasn’t the evil, it was the people. And oh my God, how beautiful, strong and perfect people are! They move mountains, they are invincible, they are gracious, brave, selfless and loving, especially when moving toward a common goal together. It’s something I had forgotten but will not take for granted again.
I sincerely wish the absolute best for everyone out there. May 2018 be your year, as well as mine!!
Cheers and God Bless!!
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About Jeny
Jeny Heckman is the award-winning Paranormal and Fantasy Romance author of the Heaven & Earth series. Since her series debut in 2018, Jeny has captured the imagination and inspired the journey of readers worldwide.
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