Sunday Blessings…

If Friday, my favorite day! It is the perfect segway into a weekend full of possibilities.
Sunday is the perfect end. Yes, it sucks knowing tomorrow it’s back to work and reality but it’s still a whole day away.
For my family, it’s always been a kind of reconnect day. Championship games were usually being played for basketball. We’d either go out to dinner afterward or just go home but we were and have usually been together.
Growing up for me it was always church day. We worked on Saturdays, usually outside but Sundays were usually church service, youth service, and homework days. After my kids left for college, they’ve become a day of reflection. I write more on Sundays, I think more about the kids, what’s coming up in the week, watching football with my hubby and just being more thankful for my life.
Today there’s reason to be particularly thankful. My kids are well, our family safe. I know of other families that aren’t. They are helping their children process the images of what they saw during their lunch on Friday at Marysville-Pilchuck High School. There’s a teacher trying to comprehend her own actions and what the possible outcome could have been, what she also had to witness that day. I’m sure it was terrifying and she was so incredibly selfless and brave. There are families praying with loud voices for their children’s recovery, that they will be restored to them and not taken. They pray that they will be whole and well or for strength should they not. There is a family whose daughter went to school Friday morning, not knowing they would never see her in life again. Perhaps thinking of things left unsaid…did she know their feelings for her? There is a family, trying to understand the sheer enormity of the actions their loved one committed and why. And there is an entire community asking themselves what if. What if that had been my child, our family, our friends, our school, our town and trying to make sense out of a senseless act.
For those of you that had this happen on your front steps, I pray that your family and friends find peace and forgiveness within your own hearts very soon. For the small group of Frybergs I know, may you be blessed with understanding, forgiveness, and love as you process what has happened within your family, may you turn and find comfort in each other. Jeff and I have you in our thoughts and prayers. For our community and yours may you hug your children harder, don’t let words remain unspoken, approach the person that stands all alone and let go of all the petty crap that’s in your life right now.
May your Sunday inspire you for a wonderful week…
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About Jeny
Jeny Heckman is the award-winning Paranormal and Fantasy Romance author of the Heaven & Earth series. Since her series debut in 2018, Jeny has captured the imagination and inspired the journey of readers worldwide.
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