Turning Over A New Fall Leaf…

It's funny, as I write these blogs I find myself constantly trying to figure out what you, a reader, might be interested in reading.
Your time is precious and valuable. If you’re like me, you want to be, a) entertained, or b) learn something new. I find the best-received blogs I’ve written are the ones from my heart. Coincidently, they are my favorites when reading other blogs as well! So, on today’s blog, I wanted to use it as a time to explain how I’m trying to, “turn over a new fall leaf.”
As you’ve probably read on this website or my social media, Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. I like it even more than New Year’s when everyone makes resolutions and tries desperately to start all over again. I love Fall because even though the beautiful things of Summer begin to die, they don’t do so without a fight, and I will always root for the underdog. The most beautiful time of year is fast approaching, and the colors of Fall are unparalleled.
I usually look at life changes right now and reflect on the past year. The simple reason being, it’s more powerful to do so in these colors than on a cold January day when things are various shades of gray and oftentimes, gloomy. So, I decided to change up a few things. With the ugliness of another election year fast approaching and the ridiculous nature of all those people to be negative, I thought some inspiration might be welcomed. I’m proud of the fact I don’t post political rhetoric, and it’s my hope others follow suit, but, alas, I fear not. PSA: It isn’t interesting, just annoying and soul-sucking. However, I digress.
I’m changing up some of my themed days and one, in particular, is entitled, #InspirationalThursdays. I think too much negative inundates us each day and I want to live in the light. So, I’m going to find stories, pictures, sayings, events, that inspire me about how life is truly good, and people, most people, are absolutely remarkable in their everyday lives, heroic even. I’m also continuing #MeetTheGreekMonday, where you can learn or comment about a new Greek god, goddess, place, time, etc. #TeaserTuesday, where I’ll tease a snippet from one of my books or another favorite author, book, or poem and I hope you will do the same back. #WonderfulWednesday: Just a few of my favorite things. I’d love you to post yours as well. #InspirationalThursday: Today’s sign that there’s still hope for the world. #AuthorSpotlight: Highlighting an author, new book, or website for you to be introduced to and then, #SaturdaySelfie: I want you to send me a selfie!
Last, but not least, I’m starting a bi-yearly basket in September and April. April, because that’s Aphrodite’s month and the basket will reflect some of her… um, interests, so maybe a little more risque. And the basket in September will be more creature comfort stuff, just because it’s my favorite time of year. FYI: Not everything is pictured, some are a surprise. What do you have to do to enter this drawing? Sign-up for my newsletter, which comes out monthly. If you’re already signed up for my newsletter and someone you recommend signs up, you get more chances to win!
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Now onto personal. This last year has been a challenge for me. Right before I turned fifty, I thought I had a stroke. I know, right? I went to the ER and of course, they found nothing. Even though I couldn’t speak, and had absolutely NO idea how to do so. I struggled to walk and my blood pressure, which has always been very low, skyrocketed. The saving grace was that it happened in front of them, so they took it seriously. Since November, I’ve been trying to figure it out, with every test known to man. My neurologist was literally on the last test, and said, “Let’s do an echocardiogram.” He did not like what he saw. So, I got to accessorize my outfits, with a lovely heart monitoring device for a month. Long story short, I’ve been diagnosed with what the doctor said is, “a severely enlarged left atrium.” Well, shit, right? Here is the kicker, with a person as enlarged as my left atrium is, I do not have A-Fib or arrhythmias. Things that make you go hmmm. So, now I await my time slot with a cardiologist.
That same week, one of my favorite people in the world was diagnosed with cancer. He too is younger (fiftyish) and received a best-case scenario, and we had a collective sigh of relief together. It started me thinking about what I’ve been doing this last year. For one, getting a little depressed, gaining a lot of weight, my kids growing up, getting jobs, moving out, and obtaining a HUGE “turning fifty” mentality. So, I was thinking about doing a collective health challenge and was wondering if anyone else would like to participate. I’ve fallen and I want to get up, so decided to entitle it, “Turning Over a New Fall Leaf.” If you would like to participate email me at www.jenyheckman17@gmail.com. I don’t have the parameters yet because I want it to be inclusive and people to have a voice with it, but even if it’s just me I plan on acting quickly and getting started. Thoughts? Helpful Suggestions? In any case, be kind to yourself, and I wish you so much health and happiness this Fall!
Cheers everyone and enjoy the colors to come!
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About Jeny
Jeny Heckman is the award-winning Paranormal and Fantasy Romance author of the Heaven & Earth series. Since her series debut in 2018, Jeny has captured the imagination and inspired the journey of readers worldwide.
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