Amber Daulton

Time Travel Romance Author


Amber Daulton

All About Amber Daulton

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press and Books to Go Now and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.

Amber lives in North Carolina with her husband and four demanding cats.

Timeless Honor

Series: Mirrors in Time - Book 3

Release Date:

August 24, 2015


Books to Go Now

Welcome Amber to
Jeny's TattleTales

Hello Ms. Daulton and welcome back to the Spotlight! You have been busy my friend! For those that might not know you, tell us a little about yourself?

I’m from North Carolina, my hubby Greg is from Indiana, and we have three adorable kitties. We live in NC, but most people think I’m from England or even France when they first meet me (and yes, I’ve been asked to speak French, which I don’t know). I have an accent, which sounds proper and smooth; a far contrast to how most people sound in my area. I’ve been getting the “Where are you from?” question since I was in elementary school, and kids can be quite cruel. Luckily, I’ve never really been bothered by the questions and funny looks. In fact, I take sounding different as a matter of pride.

For this interview you chose to do a character interview. What is your character's name?

Jaye Ramsey

Well, nice to meet you Jaye Ramsey!

Let's start with the first question, Jaye! How would people physically describe you?

I’m a little taller than average, around 5-8, and I love wearing heels. I have long brown hair that I both love and hate—why can’t I grab the scissors?—and my green eyes match my grandmother’s to a T.

What’s your backstory? Where did you come from?

I was a modern-day woman living and working in Seattle, Washington. I’ve always been fascinated with history, especially English history, and thank goodness for that. My time as a librarian and reading all those old books really helped prepare me for the future—or should I say the past?

What is the most inspirational thing you’ve ever done in your life?

Taking a leap of faith. Lucas and I have had some problem, but I stuck with it and refused to give up on him. I so wanted and hoped for the best, but then he pushed me too far. I nearly made a decision that would’ve left me heartbroken and alone. He came to his senses, though, just in the nick of time, and I decided to trust him. That leap changed my life forever.

What do you do for fun?

Oh, there are lots of things to do at the manor. I often help Mrs. Clemmons, the housekeeper, in the garden; I’ve learned to upholstery (but that’s not really fun), and I enjoy riding the horses. Best of all, I love it when Lucas and I have jam sessions. He plays the violin, and I the flute. Sometimes we play classical music, though I don’t think it could be called “classical” in 1735, and I’ve taught him some modern rock beats that would surely terrify the neighbors if they heard it.

How would you describe your life?

Before I traveled to the eighteenth century and met Lucas, my life was pretty much in a rut. Sure, I had a good job, great friends, and a wonderful family, but I was so bored and feeling as though I didn’t belong in my own skin. Now that I’m living in 1735, I feel like I’ve finally come home.

I know what you’re thinking—that I’m selfish for leaving my family and friends behind. Well, I didn’t. Not really.

My four best friends also found themselves on a time-traveling adventure, and we all met a strange old man in weird robes. He gave each of us a magic mirror that allows us to see and talk to each other whenever we like. Think of it as Skype, but it transcends through the ages. Crazy, I know. Luckily, a few of my friends decided to go back home to our original time, and they sometimes let my grandparents borrow their mirrors. I’m so grateful for that. If I truly had to give up Grandma and Grandpa, I don’t think I would’ve done it. I love them so much. At least I can still talk to them and anyone else who has access to one of the mirrors.

Is Timeless Honor the end for you and Lucas?

Yes, our story is over, but our lives together is just beginning. It never would’ve happened if not for Grandma Leonora. She’s originally from the 18th century, and as a young woman, she time-traveled to the 1960s where she met the love of her life, Rodger, my grandpa. If not for them falling in love, I never would’ve been born. With Leonora’s soul mate in the future and mine in the past, thank goodness Fate decided to take pity on us and send us to the right time period to meet our men.

If you’re interested in reading Leonora and Rodger’s story, Timeless Beginnings, you can check it out here:

Timeless Honor
Blurb & Excerpt

Jaye Ramsey decides to prove to her eccentric grandmother that time travel only exists in movies by vacationing in Bolivia with her friends. After she wakes up in Hawksatter, England, 1735—the same town her grandmother supposedly vanished from as a young woman—Jaye finds refuge at a hunting lodge, but the strapping, reclusive baron who takes her in reminds her all too well she was a lone woman at his mercy.

Accused of murdering his newly wedded wife a decade earlier, Lord Lucas Kenway closed the family farm and shut out the world. He never expected the little spitfire he claims responsibility for would turn his quiet life upside down. Pushed together by fate and his meddling servants, Lucas wants Jaye on his own terms and refuses to surrender his hardened heart. 

Then a mysterious wise man offers Jaye a way home.

Should she return to the future and the only life she’s ever known, or stay in an uncertain past as a stranger in a new world?

Excerpt 1

Tears burned in her eyes and her strong façade crumbled. “I’m dreaming. I fell down a rabbit hole and hit my head. Now I’m in the middle of a strange, vivid dream. A wonderland. Yeah, that explains it.”

“I assure you, madam, this is no dream.”

A hysterical laugh crawled up her throat. “Madam

Why are you so proper and polite all of a sudden? Call me Jaye.” She stomped toward the trunk, pulled her cell phone out of her purse, and then held the device up in every corner for a signal. Lucas’s eyebrows arched to his hairline as she climbed up on a table to reach the ceiling beams, but she didn’t care how crazy she looked or acted. Jaye hopped back down and opened a web browser but the page wouldn’t load. She tried to track her location via GPS but a ‘Location Not Found/No Satellite Access’ window popped up on the screen. Vomit rose in her throat and she shoved the phone back in her purse. “This is one messed-up dream. Real men like you aren’t this hot, even if you are a little scruffy.”

Lucas pressed his palms to his face. “I’m rather comfortable, not hot.”

Another laugh escaped her mouth. She stumbled backward toward the fireplace, but the stranger grabbed her arm and pulled her to him before she hit the mantel. Jaye tripped over her feet and landed hard against his chest. His arms wrapped around her as though to keep her steady. Her laughter died. His chest and arms felt too real, too warm and strong, and his brown eyes deepened like pools of melted chocolate as he stared at her.

She gulped. “You’re real, aren’t you?”

He gripped her forearms and easily set her away from him. “Flesh and blood.”

Jaye wiped away her tears, grateful he didn’t try to comfort her. “I have one more question, but you’ll think I’m crazy.”

“You haven’t proven yourself sane in the least, so please do.”

Her cheeks heated. “That’s probably true from your point-of-view.” She forced air down her throat and breathed out through her nose. “What year is it?”

Lucas frowned. “It’s 1735 in the reign of King George the Second.”

“Oh God.”

Excerpt 2

“You asked me earlier if I just wanted your body and I should’ve denied it. I appreciate your bluestocking ideals and your ability to hold an intelligent conversation. Those qualities are what men of standard should look for in a mistress.”

A frown crossed her face and Lucas held up his hand before she interrupted him. “If a man is smart, he’ll seek out a confident woman who can hold her own in any given situation and marry her if he’s lucky. If marriage is not permissible, he’ll visit her afterhours and support her if he has the means.” His father took mistresses no matter how much it pained his mother and Lucas had vowed never to hurt his wife the same way—but he didn’t have a wife to betray. “I’ll be loyal to you for as long as we are together. I hope we’ll part ways amicably and rendezvous again in the future―at least until you marry a man worthy of your esteem―but you have no reason to deny me since your purity is not intact.”

“You crude, insufferable prick. I should take this candle and shove it up your ass.”

His brow arched to his hairline. “I’m the crude one?” He laughed coldly. “That’s one thing I admire about you, Jaye. You’re not afraid to use foul language around me, but you watch yourself around others. You feel comfortable around me, yet I’m always on edge in your presence. Do you know fire rages in my groin every time I look at you?” He stepped closer to her and Jaye backed up against the door. Fear flashed in her eyes, followed by another spurt of anger, and Lucas retreated to give her breathing room. “Women of substance are hard to come by. Do you understand why I fancy you?”

Jeny's TattleTales

Favorite movie: Die Hard

Best place you’ve visited: St. Augustine, FL

Place you’d like to visit: Greece

Favorite food: Chinese

Favorite drink: Mountain Dew

Sports team: Seriously? Pass!

Oxford comma, yes or no? Oh, yeah!

Pen or pencil? Pen

Favorite music? Alternative rock

Coffee or tea? Tea

What does your desk look like? Clean & organized

Plotter or pantser? Plotter

Mac or PC? PC

Favorite dessert? Anything chocolate

Jamie Fraser (Outlander) or Jamie Dornan (Fifty Shades)? Do I gotta pick? Nope, no can do.

You have a time travel machine. Where and when? Rome, early 200s.

Are you earth, wind, fire, or water? Fire, baby!

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