
Tattle Tales Book Talk Blog

Dee’s Cornucopia Exceprt

Out on a Limb with Gabby Allan

Who is Dee Taylor?

Sunflowers: Why I choose them in the design of Dee’s Cornucopia

The Cornucopia

2021 Amazon Prime Deals on Books

Warrior’s Progeny: First Place Best in Category at the OZMA Book Award

RONE Awards Finalist

A Pride of Brothers: Aiden

Warrior’s Progeny Audiobookworm Audio Tour

2021 RONE Awards Voting

Warrior’s Progeny: Awards & Voting


The Sea Archer on Jeny’s Tattle Tales

Prophecy: Heaven & Earth Series

Virtual Book Launch Party for Releasing the Catch

2021 The Year of New Beginnings!

Podcast Interview on Candace Uncensored

Sailing and Boating Superstitions

Releasing the Catch Trailer

Excerpt #3 from Releasing the Catch

Excerpt #2 from Releasing the Catch

Excerpt from Releasing the Catch

Christmas Magic

Thankful for YOU!

What Makes You Proud?

Social Media Photography 101

Land that I Love

It’s Book Launch Day For WARRIOR’S PROGENY


Defending Jacob

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

I Re-Learned a Lesson Today…

Turning Over A New Fall Leaf…

Route 91

So, You Wanna Be A Writer!

It’s The Final Countdown!!

A Bittersweet Anniversary…

The Sea Archer Has Arrived!

The Editor in the Email

From A Distance…

Hmm, to resolute or not to resolute, is it even a question?

Book Two: The Warrior’s Progeny (an excerpt)

Two Girls and Their Mama

Bucket List Blog



Darynda Jones

New Endeavor

Don’t Mess With Mom

Memorial Day…To Bea, from Your Faithful Husband, Norman…

Rewind 2,370 Days Ago

Love, Leo


Holiday Madness and New Years Resolutions!

It’s Fall…Time To Be Productive Again

Rockets Red Glare

Diamonds on the Water

Getting So Very, Very Close!!!

The Girl on the Train

New Frontispiece and Blessings

Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk

Second Draft Complete!

Book Two

One Minute and Fifty-Four Seconds…

Stanwood Pride, Where Did It Go?


Sun vs. Chemical Peel

D’ya Ever Wonder…

Best Mom Award Goes To…You!


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Summer Time Freedom!

Changes Are Good, No Really…

Wonder Twin Powers Activate!

Sunday Blessings…

Entering New Heights

A Little Story About Mexico…

About Jeny

Jeny Heckman is the award-winning Paranormal and Fantasy Romance author of the Heaven & Earth series. Since her series debut in 2018, Jeny has captured the imagination and inspired the journey of readers worldwide.


Books by Jeny



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